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Information Hub
Here, you will find a library of helpful aids to offer advice and support...
Your are minutes away from healthier indoor air
Our team of indoor air experts have carefully created a library on content that will guide every household through their important - and potentially life-saving - indoor air journey.
All guides and videos can be read or watched in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea. Get the kettle on.
Information videos
We update this area regularly, so check back soon for more handy hints and tips on ways to keep your indoor air, fresh!
How to create a 'breathable' bedroom for a child with asthma
Indoor Air Aware presents Mums Versus Mould
Check out how much water needs to escape from each washing load - open a window!
Never spray cleaning products on mould! Health warning!
Control your home humidity to avoid mould and damp
What causes mould in our homes?
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