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What is your living status?
Private rental
Social housing
Own home / mortgage
Live with parents
Are you responding on behalf of a child?
How many people live in your household?
How many people in your household have been impacted by mould-related illness?
Which of the following best describes your situation?
I have been diagnosed with a mould-related illness (e.g. PANS / MCAS / CIRS etc)
I suspect I have a mould-related illness and have not been diagnosed
I suspect I have a mould-related illness and I have been diagnosed with something else / misdiagnosed
Which of the following symptoms have you experienced as a result of mould exposure / what you suspect is mould exposure? Please tick all that apply:
How would you rate your symptoms, generally?
Very mild (I can function as normal all the time)
Mild (I can function normally most of the time)
Moderate (unable to function sometimes)
Severe (unable to function most of the time)
Very severe (unable to function)
Which of the following mental health symptoms, if any, have you felt as a result of mould-related illness? Pleased tick all that apply:
How long have you had symptoms of mould-illness? (If you have recovered, please also tick the last box):
Less than 3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
1-2 years
2-4 years
4-6 years
6-8 years
8-10 years
10 years+
I have fully recovered and have no symptoms
Which of the following best describes your situation?
I had visible mould at home / work and suspected it was the cause of my symptoms
I had visible mould at home / work and performed environment / health testing which confirmed my suspicions
I had no visible mould, but did environment / health testing, which confirmed my suspicions
What was the cause of mould growth / contamination in your property / workplace etc?
Which of the following types of NHS practitioners have you consulted, or has someone consulted on your behalf? Please tick all that apply:
Which of the following types of private practitioners have you consulted, or has someone consulted on your behalf? Please tick all that apply:
Which type of practitioners assisted in accelerating your journey to diagnosis and treatment of a mould-related illness? Please tick all that apply.
Of the following type of consultants, which, if any, have acknowledged that mould could be the cause of your symptoms
Has environmental testing confirmed that mould spore counts are indexing high in your home?
No, I haven’t yet tested the environment
No, I don’t live / work in the property any more
No, I cannot afford the test
No, I am unable to test the property for other reasons
Which of the following environmental testing methods have you used to detect mould? Please tick all that apply:
How much have you spent, to date, on environmental testing?
Less than £100
I am not sure
I have not spent any money on environmental testing
Which of the following health diagnostic tests have you had via the NHS? Please tick all that apply:
Which of the following health diagnostic tests have you had via the private practitioner / service? Please tick all that apply:
Did you trust the results of the test(s)?
I did not have any tests
Not sure
How much money have you spent on the health side of investigating suspected mould illness in total?
£1,001 - £2,000
£2,001 - £3,000
£3,001 - £4,000
£4,001 - £5,000
How much money have you spent, in total, on the remediation of properties as a results of mould illness?
£1,001 - £2,000
£2,001 - £3,000
£3,001 - £4,000
£4,001 - £5,000
How much money do you estimate you have spent on mould-illness related supplements, medicines or air technologies (PCO / purifiers) to date?
£1,001 - £2,000
£2,001 - £3,000
£3,001 - £4,000
£4,001 - £5,000
Did you feel they worked?
I am not sure
I haven’t tried any
Does your mould-related illness impact the type of work you can do?
Has your mould-related illness reduced your ability to work?
Have you lost or had to leave your job as a result of mould-related illness?
Are you on means-tested benefits as a result of your mould-related illness?
Are you on health-related benefits as a result of your mould-related illness?
Have you spoken to your employer about mould-related illness?
No, but I need to
I haven’t needed to
I don't have an employer
If you would like to speak to your employer about mould-related illness, but haven't, what is preventing that from happening?
If you have spoken to your employer, did they accommodate your additional health needs (flexible working / change of environment, health safeguarding, etc)?
This question does not apply to me
If you are a student, has your education been affected?
I am not a student
If you are under 18, has mould-related illness prevented you from accessing mainstream education?
I am not under 18
Which of the following lifestyle side effects have you experienced as a result of mould-related illness? Tick all that apply.
Would you like mould-related illness to be recognised by the NHS?
Have you been tested for the Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene?
Yes, and I have these gene
Yes, and I do not have these gene
No, but I intend to be tested
No, I am not familiar with the HLA gene
I am unsure
No, and I do not intend to
If you have used a photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) technology, have you experienced an easing or reduction in your mould illness symptoms?
Yes - a major improvement
Yes - a little improvement
I haven't used a PCO technology
No improvement
Would you wish to be considered as a case study? This would involve an interview to share your story with others.
Yes, but would prefer to stay anonymous (please leave mobile number below)
Yes, and would happily waive anonymity (please leave mobile number below)
No thanks
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